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class fseval.config.CrossValidatorConfig(
name: str=MISSING,
splitter: Any=None,
fold: int=0,

Cross Validation is used to improve the reliability of the ranking and validation results. A CV method can be defined like so:

Provides an interface as how to define a Cross Validation method. The CV is applied at the beginning of the pipeline, so both the ranker and validator only get to see the training dataset. The test dataset is used for scoring, i.e. for determining the validation estimator scores.


name : strHuman-friendly name for this CV method.
splitter : AnyThe cross validation splitter function. Must contain a _target_ attribute which instantiates to an object that has a split method with the following signature def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None). See BaseCrossValidator and BaseShuffleSplit.
fold : intThe fold to use in this specific run of the pipeline. e.g. you can use python --multirun cv=kfold cv.splitter.n_spits=5 cv.fold=range(0,5) to run a complete 5-fold CV scheme.

Available CV methods

Built-in to fseval are kfold and train_test_split.

K-Fold CV


name: K-Fold
_target_: sklearn.model_selection.KFold
n_splits: 5
shuffle: True
random_state: 0

For example: to use 10-fold CV, set cv.splitter.n_splits=10.

Train/test split


name: Train/test split
_target_: sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit
n_splits: 1
test_size: 0.25
random_state: 0

⚙️ Custom CV

For example, we can implement Leave One Out cross validation like so:

name: Leave One Out
_target_: sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut

Which can then be used by setting cv=loocv in the commandline.